Best Free Websites and Tutorials to Learn about Web 3 for Beginners

Best Free Websites and Tutorials to Learn about Web 3 for Beginners
January 30, 2022

With the growth of computer technology and its inevitable diversification, it is fascinating to explore the concept of web 3.0 - a possible future in which there could be vast growth.

As we enter a new era of information and software, it is important to understand how the internet, in general, is changing.

These websites will provide you with all the information and resources you need to understand how what led us up until now was different with the new age.

For those beginners who are eager to know more about web 3.0 and its place as an integral part of the future’s technology, this article should serve you well as a resource!

1. The Complete Guide to Full Stack Ethereum Development

In this tutorial, you'll learn a web3 tech stack that will allow you to build full-stack apps on dozens of blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, and others.

Utilizing the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), it's possible to leverage exciting future possibilities in terms of what a global app is able to do.

Link to guide

2. How to make NFT Art with On-Chain Metadata

In this guide, you learn how to use SVGs to generate random NFT ImageURIs and Metadata 100% on-chain. With the help of Chainlink VRF, it creates scarcity.

You’ll use Hardhat, Javascript, and Solidity. Those customized smart contracts were deployed to the Polygon chain, so you can see exactly how Polymer does this!

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3. The Non-Fungible Token Bible: Everything you need to know about NFTs

This guide serves to provide an in-depth overview of non-fungible tokens: the technical anatomy of an ERC721, the history of the NFT, common misconceptions about NFTs, and the current state of the NFT market.

We hope it will be relevant both to folks who are new to the space and those who already know about NFTs but want to better understand their inner workings.

Link to guide

4. ETH.Build

Explore blockchain with Educational Sandbox For Web3 And Much More. You will learn this using drag-and-drop programming to build your own programs the way you see fit.

You'll be able to easily visualize the operations of Ethereum by using our interactive web map.

Link to guide

5. Learn Web 3.0 by actually Deploying an Application on it

Covering salient features of Web 3.0, this guide will teach you the basics and what makes them so desirable.

After understanding the basics, we'll deploy an application on IPFS based on Ethereum. The combination of Ethereum + IPFS and Solidity is what takes decentralized applications to the next level.

Link to guide 

Resources for You

ChatGPT Guide For Software Developers

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