ChatGPT for Programming: Prompts to do your complex tasks in a few minutes

ChatGPT for Programming: Prompts to do your complex tasks in a few minutes
March 27, 2023

ChatGPT is revolutionizing the field of software development. Many programmers don't use it properly, though. We'll discuss the best ways to use ChatGPT in this blog.

Use these suggestions to multiply your programming efforts by 10!

1. Replace StackOverflow

Finding answers on StackOverflow takes a lot of time, and we need to customize the StackOverflow code. On ChatGPT, you can ask questions directly about your project or passing the code.

Prompt Example 1: How to handle the null pointer exception in Java

Prompt Example 2: How to convert an InputStream into a String in Java

Prompt Example 3: Format dates in YYYY-MM-DD format using JavaScript.

Prompt Example 4: Write a Node.js program that sends an email to me when an exception occurs. 

2. Fix Errors

When we get a ticket to fix a production issue, it can sometimes take days to figure out how to fix a small problem.

You can fix those issues in a few hours with ChatGPT's assistance.

Prompt: I am getting the error: [Insert your error message here]. Tell me how to fix this.

Example: I am getting the error: Cannot get strings. key_one because property key_one is missing in undefined [1]. [1] strings?: [string_key: string]: string. Tell me how to fix this. 

3. Make a Tasklist

When we start working on a new feature or product, sometimes we miss important tasks or do unwanted tasks. We can use ChatGPT to create a task list.


I have to work on [explain functionality in detail] functionality, and I am going to use [enter your technology stack]. Divide this functionality into small tasks and create a task list for me with an estimated time.


I have to work on monthly and weekly sales chart functionality, and I am going to use the MERN stack. Divide this functionality into small tasks and create a task list for me with an estimated time. 

4. Fix logical error

Minor logical errors take hours or sometimes days, especially when you work on old projects. With the help of ChatGPT, you can get ideas on how to debug the logical issues.

Prompt: I am working on the [Enter functionality], but my code is giving the wrong answer. Tell me what the error is. Here is my code. [Paste your code here]


I am working on the CAGR calculation functionality, but my code is giving the wrong answer. Tell me what the error is. Here is my code.

function calculateCAGR(startValue, endValue, years)
    const cagr = (Math.pow(endValue / startValue) - 1) * 100;
    return cagr.toFixed(2);

Click here to download the ChatGPT guide for software development. and 10x your work and stay ahead of the competition.

5. Refactor the code

Refactoring improves code readability and maintainability, making it easier to understand and modify. If you want to write optimised code, ChatGPT can do it in a few minutes.


Refactor the given code.

Requirement: [Enter your requirement]

Code: [Paste your code here]

Example 1:

Refactor the given code.

Requirement: It should work for quarterly and monthly CAGR calculation also Code:

function calculateCAGR(startValue, endValue, years)
  const cagr = Math.pow(endValue / startValue, 1 / years) - 1;
  return (cagr * 100).toFixed(2);

6. Write Database Queries

Writing complex, error-free queries takes hours. This takes time and sometimes causes bugs. Better ways exist! ChatGPT can write queries in a few minutes.

Write a MongoDB Query Collections: users and orders

Requirement: It should return user information along with the total amount of previous purchases. 


Write a [Language] Query

Tables: [Tables/collection list]

Requirement: [Mention your requirement]

Example 1:

Write a MySQL Query

Tables: users and orders

Requirement: It should give user details who placed highest order today

Example 2:

Write a MongoDB Query Collections: users and orders

Requirement: It should return user information along with the total amount of previous purchases. 

7. Understand the given code

Legacy systems have poor code quality, a lack of documentation, tight coupling, and old technology that new developers find hard to understand. ChatGPT can overcome these obstacles.


Explain each variable, function, and logic in the given code in detail. Code:

[Paste your code here]


Explain each variable, function, and logic in the given code in detail. Code:

function calculateFibonacci(n) {
    if (n < 2) {
return n; } 
  if (calculateFibonacci[n]) {
        return calculateFibonacci[n];
    var result = calculateFibonacci(n - 1) + calculateFibonacci(n - 2);
  calculateFibonacci[n] = result;
    return result;

Click here to download the ChatGPT guide for software development. and 10x your work and stay ahead of the competition.

Resources for You

ChatGPT Guide For Software Developers

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