What is Micro Frontends?

What is Micro Frontends?

In the ever-evolving world of web development, the need for scalable, maintainable, and modular applications has become increasingly important.

This is where Micro Frontends, an architectural pattern for building web applications, comes into play.

Micro Frontends involve breaking up a monolithic frontend application into smaller, semi-independent pieces called micro frontends.

What are Micro Frontends?

Micro Frontends are an architectural pattern that involves breaking up a monolithic frontend application into smaller, semi-independent pieces called micro frontends.

Each microfrontend is a standalone web application, developed and deployed independently by different teams.

These micro frontends are then composed together into a single user interface, creating a seamless experience for the end-user.

Benefits of Micro Frontends

The adoption of Micro Frontends offers a multitude of benefits, making it an attractive choice for modern web application development.

1. Improved Team Autonomy and Scalability

One of the most significant advantages of Micro Frontends is the improved team autonomy and scalability it offers.

With each micro frontend being a standalone application, teams can work independently on their respective microfrontends without affecting others.

This approach promotes parallel development, reducing bottlenecks and enabling teams to work more efficiently.

2. Technology Freedom

Micro Frontends enable teams to leverage different frameworks and technologies for each micro frontend.

This flexibility allows teams to choose the most suitable tools and technologies for their specific requirements, without being constrained by the limitations of a monolithic application.

3. Simplified Deployment and Upgrades

Another significant advantage of Micro Frontends is the simplified deployment and upgrade process.

Since micro frontends are independent, changes to one micro frontend can be deployed without the need to redeploy the entire application.

This approach minimizes downtime and reduces the risk of introducing bugs or regressions during deployments.

4. Improved Fault Isolation

In a monolithic application, a single issue can potentially affect the entire application.

However, with Micro Frontends, issues in one micro frontend do not affect the entire application.

This fault isolation ensures that other micro frontends continue to function correctly, improving the overall stability and resilience of the application.

Composition Techniques for Micro Frontends

The composition of microfrontends into a cohesive user interface can be achieved through various techniques, each with its own advantages and trade-offs.

1. Iframes

One of the simplest approaches to composing micro frontends is through the use of iframes.

Each micro frontend is loaded into an iframe, and the main application acts as a container, coordinating the communication between the different microfrontends.

2. Web Components

Web Components, a set of standards that enable the creation of reusable and encapsulated HTML tags, can be leveraged to build and compose micro frontends.

This approach promotes modularity and encapsulation, making it easier to manage and maintain the application.

3. Server-Side Rendering

Server-side rendering (SSR) is another technique that can be used to compose micro frontends.

In this approach, the micro frontends are rendered on the server and delivered as a single HTML page to the client.

This technique can improve the initial load performance and enable better search engine optimization (SEO).

4. Build-Time Integration

Build-Time Integration involves combining the micro frontends during the build process, resulting in a single bundled application.

This approach can improve performance by reducing the number of network requests and minimizing the overhead associated with composition at runtime.

Challenges and Considerations

While Micro Frontends offer numerous benefits, it is essential to consider the potential challenges and complexities associated with this architectural pattern.

1. Team Coordination and Communication Overhead

As multiple teams work on different micro frontends, effective communication and coordination become crucial.

Establishing clear guidelines, conventions, and communication channels is necessary to ensure consistency and avoid conflicts or duplicated efforts.

2. Potential Performance Issues

Composing multiple micro frontends into a single user interface can introduce performance challenges.

Multiple bundled assets and the overhead of communication between micro frontends can impact the overall application performance.

Careful planning and optimization techniques are required to mitigate these issues.

3. Increased Operational Complexity

Managing and deploying multiple independent micro frontends can introduce operational complexities.

Teams need to establish robust processes for versioning, testing, and deploying micro frontends, as well as monitoring and troubleshooting issues across the entire application.


Micro Frontends is an architectural pattern that provides a modular and scalable approach to building web applications.

By decomposing monolithic frontends, it enables team autonomy, technology flexibility, and simplified deployments, despite introducing some challenges.

As the need for agile and maintainable web development grows, Micro Frontends will play a crucial role in shaping the future of web application development.

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